Sleeping Beauty Model Drawing - ID: septsleeping2730



Image Size: 
Two model sheets, the larger image measuring at 6.5"x11.5" and the smaller image measuring at 3.25"x5.75"
Price: $250.00
SKU: septsleeping2730

A pair of original development drawings from the Walt Disney Studios animated film Sleeping Beauty (1959). Featuring rough structural designs for Maleficent's raven Diablo, the development drawings were created at the studio and used during the animation process. Measuring 12.5"x15.5" and 5.5"x7" overall, and with images measuring 6.5"x11.5" and 3.25"x5.75" respectively, the drawings are in fair condition with extensive edge wear, discoloration, and some pin holes that are all likely due to use as a reference tool during production.

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