Walt Disney World 15th Anniversary Paper Dish Set (1986) - ID: jul22533

Walt Disney World 15th Anniversary Paper Dish Set (1986) - ID: jul22533 Disneyana



Image Size: 
3.5"x3.5"x6", 3.25"x3.25"x5", 5"x6.5"
Price: $40.00
SKU: jul22533

A set of paper dishes from Walt Disney World's 15th Anniversary in 1986. Featuring imagery with Mickey balloons and confetti floating above an image of Cinderella Castle, the set includes paper cups and napkins adorned with the designs. The four large cups measure 3.5" in diameter and 6" tall, the five small cups measure 3.25" in diameter and 5" tall, and the eleven napkins measure 5"x6.5". The paper ephemera are in good condition with wear from age.

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